Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Acne and birth control pills

« ...Tetracycline is not often used topically, but rather as an oral antibiotic. You can also use it as a solution or ointment at different strengths. Tetracycline contains sodium bisulfite, derived from sulfa. It can cause an allergic reaction and may cause yellowing of the skin. However, it's popular as an oral antibiotic with dermatologists. It may have the same side effects as the other two....
...Trying every cream in the market- This is another deadly mistake several people make with their acne condition. You see trying anything without a doctor's permission might make you suffer in the long term. How do you know if something is good or bad for your skin? Stop trying to be your own doctor and get professional help before trying anything from the market....»
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«...The truth is, the e-book is merely claiming reduced acne in three days. There is no such thing as a permanent short-term acne treatment. "Acne Free in 3 Days" basically tells you to perform a detoxification diet, eating apples and drinking plenty of water for a full three days. This may or may not work, and there is no scientific proof that this method even works. But, many people have noticed reduced acne during the time they performed this acne treatment. However, when they resumed their regular lifestyle and diet, their acne came back, sometimes as an acne breakout. Chris Gibson also tells you to repeat this procedure every so often, because it's obvious this is only a temporary acne treatment. ...»
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tags: treatments for adult acne, fish oil acne, randall dermatology acne facial

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