Monday, August 4, 2008

Discount acne care and how do i know if i have hormonal acne

A diet high in oily or greasy food can also cause your skin to become oily as well. If you suffer from adult acne then these foods are best avoided. Replacing your diet with foods that are healthy and high in nutrition will have a dramatic impact in the way your skin looks and feels. Like the rest of your body your skin relies on nutrition to run at it's optimal best.
Any acne treatment should start with proper skin care. Having a proper skin care system will put your skin on track to a healthy level. At the same time, you need to use the right products that cure existing acne and prevent new ones from forming.
• A balanced and healthy diet complete in nutrients and taken at the correct time can also prevent acne to some extent. Fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts etc. are advised to people who have severe acne problems.
tags: which hormone causes acne during pregnancy, can infected cystic acne cause a fever, acne natural cure

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