Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best treatment for adult hormonal acne

« ...The first is known as blue light therapy. This treatment adds a small amount of blue light to the skin killing the bacteria present. It does not cause any pain or light therapy will need to be completed in more than one fifteen minute session. It kills the bacteria very quickly each time but with repeated treatment, it will keep it away. The side effects of this therapy include changes in the pigment of the skin, dry skin in the acne area, and increased swelling in the area of treatment. Second is the pulsed light or the heat energy treatment. These two are used together to kill the bacteria. This will also cause the glands to become smaller making the oil production lessen. They use a yellow-green light and a degree of heat as a treatment for a mild to medium case. This combination therapy helps with acne that is inflamed. Side effects are only redness in T he area of therapy. The third treatment is known as diode laser therapy. This laser also causes damage to the glands and the middle skin layer while not causing harm tot he outside skin layer. This treatment may be painful or at the very least, a discomfort to the patient. Because of this, the skin is usually treated with a topical painkiller before the laser is applied. The area treated may show signs of swelling and increased redness....
...Overall, these two natural methods can rid your face of those pesky acne scars, but the most important thing to remember is to maintain a healthy diet. A healthy diet can make the difference in having a clear face, free of acne, or a face that is riddled with it. If you want clearer skin, make smart choices with the foods you eat and your lifestyle. Believe me, it can make a difference!...»
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«...• Sugar. The most addictive substance on the planet. Not only might you put sugar on your breakfast cereals or in your coffee or tea, but you will find it hidden in countless processed foods which are eaten every day. See how much sugar there is in most soft drinks. Research has shown that the proportion of sugar in processed foods, tinned vegetables, ready-made curries and so on, has increased in the last 30 years and because sugar is so addictive we are eating more and more of the stuff. Of course sugar occurs naturally in fruits but IF you want to get rid of your acne cut down seriously on your consumption of processed sugar....»
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tags: can eggs give you acne, food that can stop acne, acne scar removal methods

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