Sunday, September 28, 2008

Medication for acne and acne scars

« ...Within a few days of avoiding vegetable oil my skin was significantly clearer, and by making a few other changes I cleared up my skin completely. For more information about clearing your acne visit my website now....
...Although the exact cause is unknown, some closed comedones may rupture, resulting in an inflammatory reaction caused by leakage of follicular contents (e.g., sebum, keratin, bacteria) into the dermis. This inflammatory response may result form the action of certain bacteria, such as proprionibacterium acnes, that live in the hair follicles and break down the triglycerides of the sebum into free fatty acids and glycerin. The resultant inflammation is seen clinically as erythematous papules, inflammatory pustules, and inflammatory cysts. Mild papules and cysts drain and heal on their own without treatment. Deeper papules and cysts may result in scarring of the skin. Acne is usually graded as mild, moderate, or severe, based on the number and type of lesions (e.g., comedones, papules, pustules, cysts)....»
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«...Each and every single day we are exposed to a large amount of advertisements promoting skin care products. The internet, radio, television, magazines, and roadside billboards are just a few of the places where we can enjoy these wonderful advertisements. It is not uncommon to see a female has beautiful, blemish-free skin, washing her face while advertising a certain type of acne medication. Seriously, do these companies expect us to believe that their product resulted in the clear skin displayed by their models? Have those models EVER truly experienced a true blemish in their lives? Chances are, they have not. However, for the rest of us, it is important to know and understand the secret to success when it comes to acne treatment ingredients....»
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tags: how to treat cystic acne, can smoking cause acne, medicine for acne on back, shoulder, chest

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